that i want.. Ive heard it soo many damn times!! "Omg you're beautiful, you can have any man you want. I cant believe you're single!" Well guess what fxcker... i CANT get ANY man i want , i can get ANY man that wants ME!
Just think about it. The person you want sooo bad, never really wants you. & that person who wants you sooo bad, you cant stand. WTF is the logic in that? I've had my share of relationships and dates, and I've only REALLY liked about 40% of them. For some reason, im always gettin stuck with the same type of men.
Theres always the OVER ACHIEVER- the guy that has to point out everything they can do for you or boasting on what they have.He's usually a CORNBALL, so inorder to compensate, he lets his money and cars persuade you. uhh, excuse me SIR, i dont NEED youre resources (unless you know Jay-Z), i got my own!
Then theres the JUST BEAR WITH ME guy- the guy thats been in college longer than he needs to be,or is constantly unemployed, and uses that as an excuse to be a low-life. NO job, no money ,livin with his mom.. but "you're in school to better your life" tho right?? thats why youre 28 still using ya momma taxes to pay for school...hmmm NEXT!!!
OF course theres the Pretty Boy- the guy who spends more time lookin and talkin about hisself than you do.I like to call these my "Harlem dudes". Image is everything to this guy. Everything has a label. The one that looks soooooo damn FIONE in the club from afar, but when he tries to holla, you notice his eyebrows are arched..."howw you zzzzzewin, sir" ill pass! I dont need ya pussy sir, im on my own clit! Thanks tho..
Cant forget about Mr.Focused- the guy who cant spend time with you because "right now, im just focusing on me, nah mean?" riiite, but you can bbm me at 12 am for my goodies? FOH here sir.. im JUST as focused if NOT more than you. Spending time with ya boys every hour on the hour HARDLY counts as bein focused.
Lastly, we have the IM NOT LOOKING FOR A RELATIONSHIP, but can we still fxck , guy- Every lady has had this guy once or twice. This is USUALLY the guy we like the most. He flirts, tells you what you want to hear, spends a little time on you... but DOESNT want a relationship. Rather, he wants you to be his "unofficial girl". He sees nothing wrong with this logic, mostly because its the new "it" thing. Why should he be tied down to one girl, when he can have a MAIN and a mistress? This is the guy we ALWAYS think we can change! It never fails..
I'm dealing with a "im not looking for a relationship" guy at the moment, and at first i thought it was cool. We both wasnt looking for anything serious, just someone to kick it with on occasion. But, as the weeks pass.. i start thinkin "WHAT THE HELL am i doing?" Its becoming clear that im liking him WAAY too much, and i can see this not ending how i want it too. The woman in me, likes to think that I can be the one to change his outlook. I mean, look at me! Im young, pretty, got my own shxt, and i "handle my bidness, like a big girl should".. but even that isnt enough to change his outlook on "relationships"..
Soooo, what are my options?? I could ditch the guy, and start from scratch, or be content with being his "shorty" ( as he loves to call me) , and never be satisfied... ugh! this relationship/love thing is for the BIRDS!!
" I can have any man i want to baby, thats actual and factual.. but still i choose YOU!"-Chilli
Beautifullest Bliss