BUT IM ALONE FOR A GOOD DAMN REASON!!!i had a WHOLE nother topic i wanted to blog about today.. but this subject is burning in my spirit! It cant be ignored, or take the back seat to some sweet, mushy crap i WAS gonna bring to yall's attention
TODAY i wanna talk about friends/ loyalty.. and all that jazz! *cracks knuckles* LETS BEGIN SHALL WE?.....Now unlike most people my age, ive learned that having many friends, or "belonging to a cliq or crew, is not only overated, but it is foolish to a certain degree. Not only does having too many people inside your circle confuse you, it can also blind you from who YOU ARE as an individual... If you know me.. you know circle is EXTREMELY SMALL..i can count on my hands who are my "girls".. theres the Big Homie, Prissy, Banga, MyBoy, and Burga... anyone else isnt a friend.. rather an acquaintance whom i may have shared a few laughs with. If you arent anyone of those 5 people ( not including my sister).. you know the surface of me... you kno wat i want you to kno. Those chosen few have been there for me in different ways, and have made me into the individual i am today ( thank you ladies!) Where am i goin with this, you ask?? ill tell you!
When you are someones "friend" ( well if you are MY friend), that is a bond that should not be broken. No man, outfit, argument, disagreement SHOULD EVER come between true FRIENDS. Once you are my friend, and i confide in you with deep dark secrets, i expect 100% loyalty from you. We are sisters, who look out for each other. We are not each others "yes men"... if you doin something i dont agree with, i will let you kno, because i want wats best for you. If we goin out to the club and ya outfit not rite, i will let you know cause youre my sister and you are a representation of ME!I expect realness at all times- even if it hurts me.. cause i know it can only be for my best intrest.
Soo i dont throw around the term "friend". And i hope that after you read this, you wont either. Pick and choose ya friends, cause they should last a lifetime. I know that my 5 girls, all different and unique, all in different parts of the country and all shapes and sizes, will be in my life forever!! YALL CHICKS ARE STUCK WITH ME!!!! And if you decide to make me a friend... always know that im loyal, im real, and im the true definition of a friend...ill love you till the end, and will ALWAYS want wats best for you...
Beautifullest Bliss
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