WADDDUP!!! i been MIA lately..but for GOOOD reason! Im tryna get my life together, okay?!? dont judge me!!! But i missed my blog! So heres a quickie ( OO HOW I LUUUV THOSE ;)
Spring Semester is in full effect and im soo not prepared! Mentally, emotionally, physically...none of that jazz!!!Im not used to living a structured life and i gotta get back in my groove!! Classes are pretty smooth ( the two i went too anyway..lol), so im hoping for a successful year!
I found my bestest friend Saabrina aka my car!! I love her and she loves me shes been treatin me real well since we met..im thinkin shes a keeper lol
Love Life???? smh... next topic puhlease!!
Friends?? well its my BFF BIG 21 today!! and as i type im gettin dressed to go celebrate!!! i love you girl! We are gonna rock out w/ our cocks out tonite! Me and my sister made up and i love her to death!! *reminder* Family is ALWAYS first!!!Big Homie shared my first road trip with me THANK GOD!! Shes a FOOL but i love her too!!lol Silly dancing,twizzlers, and Rockin out to NSYNC!!! Memories for a lifetime!!!
In conclusion, life is good as of today!! ill come back with another "hot topic" in a few days! 'Preciate the love!!
Boooo How u gonna not talk about somthin in the blog...thats wat its for u supposed to speak on evrything