i wanted to talk about this topic for a while now.. jus to put my POV on the whole "cheating" thing. But what EXACTLY is cheating?? how can you define cheating?? To some, having intercourse with someone who is not your significant other is cheating, while to others, cheating can be just talking to another person.. or a simple kiss. SO i ask...." WHAT THE FUCK IS CHEATING???
WELP!! i looked up the definition of "cheating" and this is what i found: a : to practice fraud or trickery, to violate rules dishonestly OR 2 : to be sexually unfaithful
In this life.. everyone will be cheated on.. in SOME kind of way. We live in an age where QUANTITY over rules QUALITY ( this applies mainly with males). Men are praised for the numerous sexual partners they have, and are often looked down upon if "faithful".
Most men are ruled by their DICKS!! They see an opportunity to "score", and their common sense goes out of the window. They dont stop to think about the consequences that are laying ahead of them once the cum has evaporated.
I've been "cheated" on.. and trust me- IT FUCKIN HURTS!!! felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest and stomped on by a steel toe boot. The man i loved, FUCKED someone else.. MULTIPLE times (wipes forehead) glad i can finally say that and not cry! I started feeling like it was ME ( wrong thing to do)! I thought i wasnt doing enough, when it was actually the other way around. I was HURT.. i felt betrayed... and i didnt forgive (2nd wrong thing to do)... OOOO YEA... &&&& I STAYED!!!( like a jack ass!)
So in retaliation.. I CHEATED!! yup.. sure did! At the time, i wasnt over it.. 6 months down the road, and my heart STILL ached with pain. I didnt even like the guy- i just wanted my man to feel the HURT i felt ( 3rd bad choice)... if i could take back anything in the world... it would be cheating.. cause now.. guess wat- im JUST as bad as he is! IM a CHEATER!
You know the saying.. "once a cheater, ALWAYS a cheater".. well in some cases that is true. But its a choice to always be that cheater. If it was a mistake, or in the act of revenge.. I PERSONALLY BELIEVE you can be redeemed from that. JUST KNOW THAT fighting fire with fire NEVER works!!! If you are being cheated on.. LEAVE!! dont stay around and get soooo fed up that you feel like you need to cheat! PLEASE DONT DO IT!! it didnt do anything, but cause MORE drama and create more pain in my life. AND.. HE LEFT ME!! now AINT THAT SOME SHIT!! lol
Beautifullest Bliss
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