& lets call her "cindy".. Cindy was beautiful, like drop dead gorgeous! She had smooth skin, long beautiful hair, and a body to die for. Men stopped her, and women hated her.She had it all! College student, popular boyfriend, smart,.. jus the total package.
But on the inside, Cindy was broken. Her perfect boyfriend beat her. He was the epitomy of ABUSIVE!! She wasnt allowed to do anything, and he would always make her feel obligated to stay with him. Cindy did everything a good wife/ girfriend was supposed to. She would cook, clean, and sex him wenever he wanted. She never could understand why her man, the man she loved with all of her heart, would thank her by blacking her eye.
Cindy had very few friends and twice as many haters, so she always felt alone. She had been pregnant twice, only to have her boyfriend force her to have abortions.. saying " that they werent ready to have kids, and he wanted to be married". She was broken, she had lost it all! She depended on her man so much, that she had no plan B; no alternative. Although her back was against the wall, Cindy knew she had to be set free.
So one nite, after she had sex with her boyfriend and he was sound asleep... she got her shit together and left! she vanished, with a weeks worth of clothes, and 89 dollars in her pocket. She ran to he nearest gas station, called her mother, and returned to her home.
3 years later& Cindy is doin amazing! She graduated, has a great career, and most importantly, she found herself. She didnt let her horrid past dictate her future... as for the ex boyfriend, welll...i still see him around, lookin horrible, and worst off then wat he was. I heard he got some little freshman pregnant..hmm.. wonder wen her abortion appt is scheduled...
I bring this story to you, because theres a Cindy around all of us, and we may not know it. That girl with the radiant smile, and all the latest fashions, may be the one suffering the worst. Never judge a book by its cover... the title page may look good, but as you read thru the chapters, youll see that everything aint wat it seems to be.
Be careful ladies!! Never stay with a posessive, over bearing man. If he cant trust you, most likely you cant trust HIM.. and somethin is obviously wrong!! Love yourself enuff to knowt he difference! We are strong, beautiful women, and the right man will see that, and treat you accordingly! NEVER SETTLE like Cindy did!!
Peace & Love