Saturday, January 2, 2010

What is it Like.. Will I ever Know??

Remember the Jagged Edge song.. yall know.. * pics up my brush aka mic* " Whats it like to be in love/Thas all a nigga thinking of/& i was jus wonderin will Love eva know ME?

So i got to thinking, and i wonder.. Will Love ever know ME?!! Not that "my momma loves me, or that best friend" kinda love.. but that Over the hill, cant eat, cant sleep, must talk to them 10009 x a day before you can start your day, kinda love. The love only singers can write about, and actors can portray. The love only meant for the pages of a ghetto novel. The love we all dream about! THAT KIND OF LOVE!!!

I thought i was in love once.... but turned out WRONG!! I thought love meant, showing someone what you can do for them in EVERY way but the right way. I didnt know love was a feeling that is expressed by actions, rather i thougt it was based purely on actions to get them to FEEL the love... but im glad i know now that that is the wrong way to love.

I know now that love comes in SOOO many different varieties.... love has no specific body type, or bone structure, it doesnt have the perfect haircut or, crisp true religions. Love isnt about that. Love isnt that bracelet he bought me, or all the expensive dinners he took me on... those are all actions! its not wat love is...

Love is pure, love is sacret, love is LOVE. Love is seeing past ALL flaws, and loving the soul. Love takes time, its hard work. Love is a struggle, a constant battle between what you feel, and whats real.

I know my love is out there, and although i have this gate with multiple locks and alarms around my heart, i know love with get past all of that.I'll save my heart for one is deserving of it. He will get all of my love w/ out hesitation. I jus wish love would know me now!! lets meet! ill meet u half way.. even pay the gas and tolls, cause i know once i cross that bridge, no amount of money could compare!..

I think i found a candidate for love.. jus hope hes ready for me...

Peace& Love
Beautifullest Bliss