Friday, January 1, 2010


To Love.....?

to breath in the others prescence, breath in their spirit. To cry for them so you wouldnt have to see a tear drop from their precious eyes. Going to the end of the earth just to tell your love, "I Love You." To hold them in your arms, shielding them from the world. To kiss their lips and feel every pain or sadness in your body dissapate into the air, leavin you both in a high. [Love=MyDrug===<3<===You=MyHeart] You hold my very being in your palm. YourSmile=MyJoy. Unbelievable how much you want to give up the world for one person. Just to see them smile. The Pain I go through everyday...because that kiss....its supossed to be mine. How impossible it seems to breathe in....knowing you're not there. Why can't we live in love? In it's beauty, In it's comfort?? Endless emptiness??

I find myself dragging my feet, in so much pain, I don't no where to go from here......honestly, I'm Lost.
Where do I go from here? Just want you by i can embrace you kiss your lips, softly blow in your ear "I Love You, Be Mines Forever More". Wishing that somehow time cud be misplaced, so we can start from the begining when your body laid against mine. Too see myself only wanting you, only you, Just wanting you?...................I just want to hold you......Baby I'm nothing if not with You, yOu, yoU. Just Lost.

*iloveyou treyforthis!!*

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